Ways to stay balanced in times of Corona

The ongoing Corona Crisis has started to affect our mental well being. Self isolation, working from home, being bombarded with news of all kinds. All of this can make it challenging to stay psychologically reasonable and calm.

Anxiety is therefore rising. Also depending on ones psychological set up some of us are more prone to develope panic than others. So here are some tipps that especially people who are living alone and as a result have not much chances to bounce of anxious thoughts with someone else can implement.

First of all try to watch the news only a few times (ideally up to a maximum of two times) per day. Apart from that stay away from anxiety inducing information, social media debates and so on. Try to focus on other things which have no connection with the ongoing Corona topic, as the psyche also needs breaks.

If you are working from home try to develope a routine. This period is in fact a great chance to learn to build daily structures which can help to stay focussed and ultimately positive. Eating at certain times, cleaning the house regularly, dressing and showering as if you were to go to the office helps to create safety and stability.

Exercising at home or going for a run. Sweating intensely due to sportive activities at least twice a week helps against anxious thoughts or the onset of paranoia. In this way one contributes effectively to his or her mental sanity. On top of it it can become a fruitful habit which would also be helpful after Corona.

Leave the house occasionally. And if it is only for a few minutes. Take a walk to see that the world has not ended yet. There are still people with smiles on their faces. The sun is shining. Life goes on. This kind of reality check helps to not get taken away by ones dark imaginations and fears. The human being is a social animal after all and if he or she self isolates too much it can potentially result in paranoia and hypervigilance.
